Therapeutic Massage Session

*Got a twinge in your neck, a spasm in your low back, or just need a little relaxing break? A 30 minute spot-specific session should do the trick. *In need of a full-body session? Then a 60-minute session is for you. This will allow time to address the whole body with some specific spot work. *Did a lot of yard work? Decided to start working out again? Thought you were younger than you are? Whatever the reason, if you have multiple areas that require some TLC or you just hurt EVERYWHERE! Then you better book a 90-minute session right now! (By the way, this is my favorite session length.) *120-minute session: Ooooh, you shouldn't. Forget that! Of course, you should! Looking for the ultimate massage experience? Whether you are needing pain relief, mental relief, or both, you NEED this in your life. Plenty of time to address multiple areas of pain, spend extra time on areas you didn't even realize hurt, do a little stretching, and just make you forget about the stresses of life. Warning: You will feel massage drunk afterward. (Not responsible if you become addicted and can no longer do a shorter session.)